Welcome to HTE, the entrepreneur podcast that reveals the fears, habits, and inner battles behind big name entrepreneurs and those on the path to success.
Notice: Due to the nature of the interview process, not all interviews will be published. HTE reserves the right to refuse publication, for any reason, without notice.
Goal of the Interview:
The goal of the interview is to understand you, the entrepreneur. Stories of wins and losses are best, as we are not looking for direct tips or tactics.
We want to humanize the entrepreneur and understand how you think and work.
This is best achieved when you can answer “I did this..” or “This is what I do in my business”, rather than “As entrepreneurs, we do this…”.
We all know what we are supposed to do, but we want to know what you actually do on a day-to-day basis within your business.
Possible Interview Questions
Below you will find a list of possible questions that you may be asked during your interview. Due to the conversational style of interview, all of these may not be asked, but the conversation will start with the first question.
First question:
What is the ONE thing that you do, that you feel has been the biggest contributor to your successes, so far?
Other possible questions:
Can you walk us through how to be wrong?
Tell me about something that you are not good at.
Tell me about when you realized that you were an entrepreneur.
Interview Agreement: By participating in the HackTheEntrepreneur.com interview, you agree to allow HackTheEntrepreneur.com (Jon Nastor) to record, distribute, and disseminate the podcast in any manner. You also agree to allow HackTheEntrepreneur.com (Jon Nastor) to retain rights to the produced media for potential future use in speeches, books, and in all other public distribution.